قضية رقم ٢٣ | The Insult (2017)

The Insult

A powerful, potent & provocative slice of Middle-Eastern politics that’s handled with care, approached with caution, and executed in a consistently captivating fashion, The Insult aims for an unbiased, unprejudiced & unfiltered narration of its sensitive subject matter, and delivers a gripping story that’s always seething with rage resulting from the lack of proper closure to age-old wounds.

Set in Beirut, Lebanon, the story of The Insult (also known as L’insulte) concerns a Lebanese Christian & a Palestinian refugee who end up in the courthouse after a heated argument between the two blows out of proportion. When the ongoing trial brings up traumatic revelations from their past, the case turns into a media circus that receives national attention and catapults the entire nation into a social unrest.

Directed by Ziad Doueiri, the film takes its time to set up the main premise but tension flares from the very moment our primary characters step into the same frame. The charged atmosphere only gets more unstable as plot progresses but Doueiri makes sure that the main focus remains on the characters involved in the conflict rather than being sidelined or overtaken by the violence & carnage that erupts on the Lebanese streets.

At first, the viewers may find themselves siding with one character when the incident that puts this plot into motion occurs but it’s also quite obvious that the other’s hatred & prejudice has its roots in an unresolved past trauma. And so as the case proceeds and more intel is provided, we are compelled to contemplate the scenario from a new perspective and while it doesn’t make the wrong right, it does make us understand where that outrage is coming from and allows us to empathise with both of them.

Ziad Doueiri’s sensible direction is no doubt excellent but it’s the performances that makes this drama all the more effective & convincing. Adel Karam & Kamel El Basha are in as the Lebanese Christian & Palestinian refugee respectively and while the former chips in with a volcanic rendition, the latter’s restrained input is completely in tune with his character. The supporting cast, including the two lawyers representing their clients, also leave a lasting mark in their given roles. In short, they all hit the brief and play their part responsibly.

On an overall scale, The Insult offers an interesting, absorbing, riveting, volatile & thought-provoking insight into Middle East conflicts while also doubling as a history lesson with its informative storytelling. It shows that even in the most hostile of situations, it’s essential to stick to the humanity within us instead of giving in to the hate that begets further hatred which in turn neither allows the involved to move on nor leads to a peaceful resolution. An essential viewing in every way or shape or form, this Lebanese drama is one of the finest films of its year. Highly recommended.

The Insult Screenshot

Published by

Sumit Singh

An absolute horror of a human being.

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